
Monday, March 28, 2011

So Much Fun!

We had such a great time at our first craft show!  We got some great feedback and had several sales and custom orders!  More people than not were very surprised that we made our items and were not part of a home party business.  How flattering!  We could not be more happy about our new adventure and can't wait until our next show in May at Fellowship Church!  
Thanks to everyone for your continued support and encouragement!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Our First Official Show!

Stop by and see Embellished Living at StoneCrest Medical Center's craft fair next week! It's open to the public, and they are asking for a $1 donation at the door for the hospital's benevolence fund. The days and times are: Wednesday (3/23) 3pm-8pm, Thursday (3/24) 9am-4pm, and Friday (3/25) 7am-1:30pm.  Hope to see you there!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Look ----->>>>>

Look to the right on your screen.  We now have a slideshow with all our current products.  Want to see them in person?  Catch us at a local craft fair in a couple weeks.  Details about location, hours and dates to follow.  We can't wait to show you what we've been up to!

Friday, March 4, 2011

We have a button!

To add our button to your blog, just copy and paste the code that you see on our sidebar.  Follow the instructions below to grab our button and take a little embellishment with you!
Quick Instructions
To add in Blogger, go to Layout, Page Elements and Add a Gadget. Choose HTML/JavaScript, paste in large text box, and save.
To add in Typepad, go to Library then Typelists, Create a New Typelist and name it "Recommended Services" and click Create New Typelist.  In the large Notes box, paste the HTML.  Save. Then click Publish. Check off your blog(s) to add it to and Save.
To add in WordPress, from the Dashboard, under Appearance, choose Widgets. Add a Text Widget to any sidebar and edit. Copy and paste the HTML code and Save.
Thank you for your continued support!